History of Syracuse – a snapshot

Syracuse was the most powerful Greek city in ancient times

The city was founded around 733 BC by Greek settlers. The nucleus of the ancient city was, and still is in modern times, the small island of Ortygia.

According to historians, it soon became the most powerful Greek city anywhere in the Mediterranean. It was described as “the greatest Greek city and the most beautiful of them”.

Syracuse equaled Athens

It equaled Athens in size during the fifth century BC with some 250,000 inhabitants in the entire territory.

Most renowned capital of Antiquity

After many wars and ups and downs, Hiero II seized power in 275 BC. He inaugurated a period of 50 years of peace and prosperity. Syracuse developed into one of the most renowned capitals of Antiquity.

Flash forward to Roman influence.

In 212 BC, the Romans besieged the city. Syracuse was given the status of Capital of the Roman Government of Sicily and remained an important port for trade between the eastern and the western parts of the Roman Empire.

Flash forward to the Arab conquest.

During the 9th century AD, Saracens conquered Sicily from the occupying Byzantines. They turned it into the Emirate of Sicily with Palermo as capital town. Later, Syracuse took up this position.

Byzantines and Normans

In 1038, the Byzantines reconquered the town only for the Normans to take over in 1085.

In 1194, Emperor Henry VI occupied the Sicilian kingdom including Syracuse.

Flash forward many years

The French Angevin were in power shortly before the Spanish Aragon ruled leaving traces in the architecture of noble homes.


Syracuse was the birthplace of the preeminent mathematician and engineer Archimede.

He was so much into his studies that he did not realized that there was an invasion of Syracuse taking place. He was erroneously killed by a friendly soldier.


Nowadays, Syracuse is a popular destination for visitors interested in ancient history.

But, Syracuse also has a great coastline offering great beaches and beautiful water to swim in.

Check out my post covering my visit to Syracuse.

Posts for Sicily include Siracusa, Noto, Taormina.  Other locations are groups up into one post. Also check out my tips for Sicily.

Enjoy the read!