Wat Chalong, Buddist Temple in Phuket, Thailand

The Chalong Temple is the largest and most important of the 29 Buddhist temples in Phuket. I guess, for that reason, it is also the most visited of them all. Partly by the local Buddhist population but also by foreign visitors as it is among the main tourist attractions in the area.

Wat Chalong is dedicated to two monks

This 19th Century buddhist temple is dedicated to two monks. They led the citizens against the Chinese during the rebellion in 1876.

In the 16th Century, Dutch and French started flocking Phuket as tin mining became ever more important. This was followed by two centuries of Chinese labourers coming to this island to pursue even more extensive mining. In fact, Phuket has the highest percentage of ethnic Chinese in the entire of Thailand.

I was visiting Phuket. Apart from chilling on the beach I was curious to see Wat Chalong Buddhist Temple as I had heard so much about it.

First thing I noticed that it is actually a rather large area with a number of temples scattered around.

Cheli temple
Wat Chalong, Phuket

Cheli Temple in Wat Chalong

Another temple is the Cheli Temple which hosts a bone fragment of Buddha himself. It has a three story high tower and it is permitted to climb up. The view from up there is definitely recommendable.

There is an endless number of pictures that could be part of this blog but my choice fell on these.

Wat Chalong, Phuket

Wandering around around Wat Chalong

Strolling around from one temple to the next, I came across one that was rather crowded. It was apparent that something was about to happen. Some monks were sitting in front of the altar obviously waiting for a ceremony to start.

Wat Chalong, Phuket

Induction of a monk at Wat Chalong

I soon realised that this was all about the induction of a monk.

So I found myself a little spot in a corner to observe the ceremony.

Wat Chalong, Phuket
Wat Chalong, Phuket

The induction of a lay person into monk hood varies vasty from country to country. However, I believe it is safe to say that in general the novice has to study the sacred texts for two years and engage in debates on Buddhist theology before being ordained a fully fletched monk

Taking the vows

Here the soon to be monk vows to embrace the three jewels of Buddhism:

Buddha; the Darma; and the Snagha (brotherhood of Buddhist monks)

Taking the vows

Here the soon to be monk vows to embrace the three jewels of Buddhism:

Buddha; the Darma; and the Snagha (brotherhood of Buddhist monks)

Wat Chalong, Phuket

After receiving the orange cloths that he will wearing from now until the rest of his days, family and friends gathered around to congratulate him. Here with his proud father.

Wat Chalong, Phuket

I felt really fortunate of having had the possibility to witness this very serene and beautiful ceremony. It was moving to see the emotional involvement including proudness of the friends and family attending.

Wandering around Wat Chalong

I then continued just wandering around and getting lost in this rather large location. I found some good photo opportunities.

Wat Chalong, Phuket
Wat Chalong, Phuket

Some more on Buddhism

Here some more pictures of how Thai Buddhist venerated their believes and religion.

Phuket, Thailand
Phuket, Thailand
Phuket, Thailand

Einstein on Buddhism

I am not a particularly religious person but I am a big fan of Einstein.

I found this bill board in another site in Phuket citing him.

His words on Buddhism are very inspiring.

Phuket, Thailand

Time for the beach now

But enough off serious stuff. I am ready to get down to the beach and pass some quality time.

Check out my list of 42 interesting facts about Asia.

Phuket, Thailand