A very nice destination about one hour drive from Vienna is the Wachau. The entire area boasts with a number of castles, fortresses – some in ruin, some restored – along the Danube.  The famous Krems and Melk are located in the same area.

My choice fell on Duernstein which lies somewhere in between the two and of course has its own castle albeit in ruins.

Duerstein, Wachau, Austria

The castle overseeing the area was built around 1100. In 1193, King Richard Lionhead was captured while on his 3rd crusade and held here for several months.

Duernstein town only came to be after Emperor Fredrick III awarded a Code of Arms to the castle in 1347.


In 1645, towards the end of the 30-year war, the Swedes concurred the town and the castle. Before leaving, they blew up the main gate and that meant the beginning of the end of the castle.

Nowadays, only the ruins of the castle remain.

There are two ways of getting up the five hundred meters to the top. A half hour ascend over pretty steep steps. Or the longer but easier way on a wide and comfortable albeit steady ascending pathway. Not sure how long that takes as I went up the steps.

The view from the top is a well-deserved retribution for the effort. From the top of this mountain you can continue tracking on different routes to other castles or mountain tops. I was fascinated by the numerous rock climbers abseiling from the cliffs.

Duerstein, Austria
Duernstein, Austria

The small town of Duernstein itself is charming with narrow pedestrians only streets and buildings that have been very well kept.

Duernstein, Austria
Wachau, Austria
Duernstein, Austria
Duernstein, Austria

If you walk into the side roads you will find nice patios to stop over for lunch or just a refreshment. And you can find local products from honey, homemade liquors, marmalades and jams including chocolate with a bit of a curious name.

Duerstein, Austria

You can get to the Wachau by train, a boat ride on the Danube, or self-drive. If you choose the latter, try to go on the country road instead of the highway. You will be seeing some very nice countryside.
