My time in Marbella is generally spent with family and friends. The rest of the time consists on going to the beach during the day, taking a nap in late afternoon and then hitting the nightlife scene.
The establishment Olivia Valere exists since a very long time. The owner, Olivia, started off with a club in Paris before moving to Marbella. Chatting to her, she would, with a bit of nostalgia, mention famous actors and actresses that used to be regular guests in her establishment in the good old days.
Nowadays, the establishment caters for spending an entire night there. There is the LOV – a very chic restaurant with fashionable dressed diners. The restaurant starts filling up at around 11:00 pm but it is worth having a late dinner as the food is excellent. Better to reserve a table some days in advance as it gets pretty busy.
KV Lounge
The Moorish styled Lounge is a great place for a drink before heading into the nightclub. It starts filling up after 02:00pm and keeps on going until 06:00am.
Mikado is the newly established Japanese restaurant on the top floor overlooking the LOV restaurant and the stage with a lot of happenings taking place. Excellent sushi can be enjoyed here. Again, reserve a table and go rather late in the evening i.e. around 11:00pm.
Internationally renown DJs regularly come to play their music in the nightclub. Unless in a group to share the tap for a table, get a place in the outside seating area and do the socialising thing – inside the nightclub it is rather difficult to communicate verbally.
The Nao Pool Club located up in the hills is part of the Olivia Valere group. I was fortunate to be in the area for the spectacular opening party. It was a never ending entertainment.
This girl was doing her acrobatic conturtions in the transparent sphere floating on the water.
However, by far the most spectacular thing was this guy on a Flyboard doing crazy stunts in the pool.
Finca Besaya is situated in a country house up the hills of Marbella. It has a restaurant serving excellent food. And a lounge/bar area where people end up dancing. Reservations for both are advisable.
Another place to hang out and eat is La Suite Club in Romano. The internal square is surrounded by several up market restaurants including Japanese, Italian, etc. A chic lounge area in the center is a great place to either start or end the evening. It is rather expensive but a nice place to spend an evening.
I had and excellent Sushi in Mosh on the outside terrace. There is an internal area as well which has more of a party/disco atmosphere.
If you want to go more local and have some Tapas, Le Kune is the place. It is located in Av. Fontanilla 1, Marbella (+34 952 868494). This place is very popular with locals. Endless flow of dishes coming out of the kitchen and you pick what inspires you. The bill is based on how many sticks will be in the little glass on your table. No cheating!!!
If you are out for a special drink, with or without alcohol, the Astral Cocktail Bar in Puerto Banus is the place to go. Not only is their cocktail menu great, but the drinks taste really good. If you are seated in the round central part, don’t be surprised if the scenery changes – it is not the drinks but you are sitting on a revolving platform.
Playa Padre is a new beach club/disco that has only recently opened. It seemed to be among the places to go this summer. When I was there at around 02:00, it was super crowded. Having said that, the food at the restaurant was good, the atmosphere great, the crowd pretty young. Unfortunately, the service was not the best. (their website in not yet up and running).
Starlight is an open air venue up in the Sierra Blanca minutes away from the center of town. During summer months, it hosts a number of concerts ranging from opera performances to Enrique Iglesias.
To stay informed on what is happening on the scene in Marbella and surroundings check http://i-MARBELLA.COM
Couldnt be written any better. Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your comment. I do have to say that some things might have changed with this long log down. I should be back in Marbella in August and will update all info.
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Thank you for taking your time to write this rather critical text. But that is fine. No offence taken.
My blog is not about raising any world moving issues. It is rather my experience in visiting countries accompanied with pictures of things that caught my attention.
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Thanks for your comment. However, I do have to say that some info might not be completely up to date due to the log down.
Will post some up dates soon as travel restriction are easing.
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Hi, Thank you so much for your comment. It is very much appreciated
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Hi, thank you for your comment. I am always open to constructive criticism and will have another look at my posts with your comment in mind. Having said that, my aim is to introduce some great places to my readers together with what I experienced through out the trip. Many thanks again for your comment. Keep them coming.