Route of Emotions – Episode 2

This is the continuation of my experience of the Route of Emotions in the Northeast of Brazil. In Episode 2, I will be travelling by car from Barreirinhas to Tutoia located on the Delta of the River Parnaiba. Here, I will take a boat to cruise this huge delta for several hours and arrive to Parnaiba. After one night and a little glance at Parnaiba, I will continue to Camocim.

But for now I am still in Barreirinhas. After I returned from my outing to Lencois Maranhenses, I organised to have a flight with one of those two-seater planes over the dunes before heading off to Tutoia tomorrow.

Failed overflight of Lencois Maranhenses

Unfortunately, the next morning it was pouring down with rain. So, not only was the visibility compromised but also the safety of flying with this little Cessna. To say the least, I was very disappointed.

Road from Barreirinhas to Tutoia and the start of my Parnaiba River Delta crossing adventure

As preorganized, the driver came to pick me up from my pousada after breakfast and off I was for the next part of my adventure on the Route of Emotions.

Check out the map of this stretch of my adventure road trip in Brazil.

Road Barrareinhas to Tutoia

Sandy asphalt road

Initially, we drove on an asphalt road which seemed to be slowly eaten up by sand. It separated the beach from the marshland.

The driver explained that in the swamps I would find anacondas, alligators and many more wild animals.

Route of emotions

Getting on a proper road

Eventually, we got back onto a proper road and it was easy driving with very little traffic from then on.

Route of Emotions

Adventure road trip in Brazil – 1:30 min later

One hour and 30 minutes later we got to Tutoia.

I am not sure what I had expected to see in Tutoia. But as a tropical rain had just passed over the place, it did not present itself from the best side.

Route of Emotions, Tutoia

Waiting for my boat

We had arrived a little early hence I had to wait a short while for my boat to get ready. I passed the time just wandering around a bit. The video gives a little glance of the port of Tutoia. Apart from the port, really nothing much around. However, I find that any port, small or large, has something special including the one in Tutoia.

Crossing of the Parnaiba River Delta

My boat

Seeing the tiny boat, I realised that I will be going into a labyrinth of deserted waterways alone with the captain of the boat.

I have to admit that I was a little worried. Initially, I kept my guard up but my captain turned out to be the nicest fellow ever.

Map of the Parnaiba River Delta

To give you an idea of the trajectory of my boat trip, follow the little hand-drawn red line. It shows the route we took to navigate through the Delta.

Map of Parnaiba River Delta

Crossing the huge delta

It took about an hour to cross the delta to the other side. And, it was still drizzling!

Then we started entering the channels. I have to admit that I did loose my orientations a bit and was glad that my captain knew his way around.

Route of Emotions, River Delta

I have written a separate and more detailed post on this part of the Route of Emotions. Check it out : Parnaiba Delta in Brazil.

Having said that, I will still share a little video I took during a pitstop sometime during the crossing. Behind these dunes is the open sea.

Not all by myself with my captain on the adventure road trip in Brazil

By the way, it turned out that I was not all alone with my captain.

We encountered plenty of little villages and fishermen on the way.

Route of Emotions, River Delta

Five hours later on the Route of Emotions

The five hours it took to pass through the Delta went by in a second. Extremely interesting and fascinating – the animals, the story of the fishermen and their villages, etc.

Eventually, we got to the small and unpretentious Port of Parnaiba.

Port of Parnaiba

My accommodation in Parnaiba in Brazil

I was again pleasantly surprised by my accommodation in Parnaiba.

The Pousada Vila Parnaiba was well located in town, simple but also very charming.

Pousada Vila Parnaiba

A glance at Parniba

Next morning, I had a little drive through Parnaiba, the second largest city of the Brazilian State of Piaui before heading off to Camocim in the Brazilian State of Ceara.

I found Parnaiba hot have a very pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.


Road from Parnaiba to Camocim passing through plenty of little towns and villages

Road from Parnaiba to Camocim


This 1 hour 30 minutes stretch of my adventure road trip in Brazil was on pretty unadventuerous flat road. It took us further away from the beach. However, it was still interesting to pass through the various towns and villages.

I particularly liked Chaval with these weird huge rocks planted all over the place.

Chaval, Route of Emotions

Getting into Camocim

Camocim is another stop over of the adventure road trip in Brazil. It is another small vibrant and charming fishermen village. Here a video giving you an idea.

Route of Emotions – Episode 2

We drove all the way to the little port of Camocin to board a ferry across the Coreau River. From here on it will be all about driving on the beach. This will be fun.

This concludes Episode 2 of my experience of the Route of Emotions. Read Episode 1 and Episode 3 of the Route of Emotions to get a complete picture of this trip.

And, check out my post on the crossing of the huge Parnaiba River Delta.

Route of Emotions, Camocim